söndag 29 augusti 2010


Yesterday Conny´s sister got married.
It was lovely as it should and everyone looked as they had a great time.
We where the first to leave the party but we where so tired that we just sat and did nothing more than look at the telli.
So today it will be a slow day I guess.


söndag 22 augusti 2010

Poppe did get a great new home today

both sad and happy.
They where really nice and he are at 200 % get a great and lovely new family to live with...
So now it´s just to wait for the DR appointment 6 sep.

Next weekend we are going on a wedding so I really need to get a head on the cross stiches....
So thats what I am going to do this evening.

lördag 21 augusti 2010

wonder / undrar

Minns ni vintern?
Det var mycket snö här och så kallt.
Jag undrar vad nästa vinter har att erbjuda.

Do you remember the winter?

It was a lot of snow here and so freezing.
I wonder what next winter will bring.
I don´t now if I should be glad or sad.....
My shoulder give me so much paine that I went to the hospital today.
as you may know I have problem with my left shoulder for some weeks but yesterdat I sliped in the forest when we where out with the dogs.
I spent all morning today at the emergency (spelling?) nothing broken but the inflamation in the shoulder was showing at the Xray...I have to start go to physiology training ( I think you say so- the who tain you up after a exident or something so you get as much funtion back as possible).
I was good before this so now Im back to squar one

So now Im standing with that I need for my shoulder to get our new memeber a new home..why? I tell you why... for his best interest because of for every day I go out with him as he is stil small and haning on the lisch ( or how it spells) my shoudlers get worse.
NOw I cant hardly dress my self, wash my hair, and lots of the house holds stuff I ahve as my work. IT´s hurts so muck but I have to think about his and my future....this is for the best I guess.
Tomorrow we have some that are coming to look at him that sounds perfec...
If it get to be them - a big farm to run a round on, children ti play with, travel with MR in the family when he drives his truck (lorry), animals and they seams to really know dogs and what they want. They had a dog before and asked the right questions...

Anyway Finally we got some thunder here not much and som rain.

Jonatan seams to get great theachers and are willing to work together to help him to be the best he can with his disabilitys about reading and writing. All to all it seams to get better in some ways and some upstical of course.- with out them we cant enjoy our good times so I guess that why we have those.....

Lots of love and take care.

onsdag 18 augusti 2010

The early bird

is singing the most fantastic song....here in Tumba this morning the rain are singing...
OK the autum looks like it is here and the school starting for young J.
He´s already done so we are just "killing" some time so we can go.

I will go with him and the dogs will get there longer walk for today.
CD are meeting up there to join him in too talk to his teacher.

Yes..if you wonder my shoulder are still hurting and today I wish I went the other day to get shots in that part..... Now I did not do that and I have to live with that......
Today I will continue the work on the wedd- present it´s making progress.

Lot´s of warm hugs from a rainy thursday in Tumba.

Some changes

I have a new e-mail if someone are interested in that.. just let me know.
Today the cross stiching will be of prio 1 and then som dishes.....
Finally I got the cloths I have been waiting for..so when I got the dresses so I Have something to wear Mr D tells me that he are working that weekend when the wedding are so if I cant change with anybody we cant go anyway! =P
But why hurry it´s the 28 of aug so it is still some time left.

The morning walk ended up at 1 hour and I get my fear of "rain" from the inside....
Well thats it for this time I guess....
Time to work on the wedding present.


måndag 16 augusti 2010

Monday again

well it´s just once a week....
New week with new things to get done.

This week my son starts 4 grade and things starts to be more organized...
The cross stiching starts to go some where and the dogs seams pleased today.
I hopefully get some done then.

I will spend some time infront of the TV soon and then back to action again.
Have already bean for one hour walk today so we will see where we go next walk.

They who we where waiting for to call never did so as it looks now Poppe will be here for all his life. If there will be no changes he will go to the vet soon to "take his manhood"- I see no point to not do it because I will not take any puppys after him anyway....

Take care!

söndag 15 augusti 2010

Rain and leavs falling

Are the summer ending all ready?
Its still warm and the rain is not freezing but some how it still feels that the summer are losen its hold on this part of Sweden anyway.

Leaves are falling not much but some....time for change I guess.
Also here the change will be here the shoolstarts the ordenary days will begin.

Today I will do some cross stiching to do come somewhere with that.
Dogs are not so active today as they use too but it can be because of the rain.

Love and hugs!
(the picture is from last year)

lördag 14 augusti 2010

321 days left.....

Tumba today is out of breath! You fill you body with not at all or so it seams....
Hot and no air ....
Long walk with the dogs have made us tired and no thoughts of doing anything.
I have to make some cross stickes if the wedding pressent will be done in time.

Poppe are growing stronger and more awake =)
Sadly my shoulder thinks his to havey for me so...he maybe move from here...
only if the right home comes along.
I do not want him to move but at the same time I cant go and tare my body apart....
if you know what I mean. I feel so terible that I save him from starving to death and now I try to find him a new home.
But to be tru I allready at the day we would get him starting to think we should backdown....but when I saw how pour they had treat him that on one week from slim to boney.....
I could not leave him in that - knowing how he been treated....
It does not matter how much love you give them they cant servive just on that they need food too.
If we cant find a really good home for him he will be staying here anyway - I do not want him to be in that treatment again.

Now the sticking are waiting =D
Have a fantastic Saturday!

fredag 13 augusti 2010

Totally out

for the day is my brain :P
Have not get much of sleep this night.

Well - I m alive thats good =)
Im so feed up with this....
Pain in my shoulder will not go away....
I have no good thoughts today at all...ok one
Im alive at least...

Hope you have a more giving day then me.
Hugs and take care

onsdag 11 augusti 2010

Förundras vilka möten man gör ibland.

Man hör mycket strunt om Facebook men jag tycker det är ett fantastiskt verktyg.
På några klick kan man möta helt otroliga människor bakom bilderna!

Förvånande och hänryckande sett att lära känna och växla tankar och ord med alla sorters människor över hela vårt klot.

Livet tar sina vändningar men jag måste ändå säga att ibland blir man överraskad på vilket sätt.

I denna stund betänker jag något tänkvärt som en oväntad personlighet lämnade som en öppen hand eller låt oss säga en tråd att spinna vidare på.
Mmmmm vi får se vad det kan leda till =)
Vilket fall som helst är jag tacksam.

Idag är det mulet å svalt här i Tumba. Har äntligen funderat ut en bröllopspresent till den 28 aug. Hoppas de inte förväntar sig stor dåd *lol*
Men det blir något minnesvärt!

JO...Poppe som vi tagit hand om kanske får ett nytt hem! Inte för att vi inte gillar honom men han blir för tung för mina axlar =( å så funkar det lite dåligt mellan Kim & Poppe....
Han slipper i alla fall att svälta!
Vi får se nästa vecka hur det utvecklar sig.

Massor av kramar mina vänner!

lördag 7 augusti 2010

Now I feel proud!

Well, I have finally made these done- Mimmi Mouse have been finish for some years but it took me many more to get the energy to fight with more pearls to do Mickey Mouse also! But today some minutes ago I finally was done!!
OF to do more handcrafts...one picture for the wall with roses - that one will take a lot of time,,, because MY GOD what a "picture" to follow!
I have also a one with flowers for the table that I have left sen before so I can do one and when I get bored I can do some of the other one.....

So my friends the shoulder is still fighting with me ok Im not doing it better with my hobbies and dishes....
Anyway the dr will not do any shots so but it as been quit ok or tolorent (spelling?) now its harder to not be grumpy about it. I soon will be at the dr again my ordernary I hope this time!

Our Poppe are doing great from 6 kg and under weight with most bone and not so much energy (for god and bad) he has gained up too 9.3 kg and you can see the change at him =)
Ok sometimes I wish he had less energy as he has now but hes great! He so sweet and kind but not so greacefull =)

Poppe and a box that is a size to small or two!

Lot´s of fun
Lot´s of no
Lot´s of food
Lot´s of walks
Lot´s of love
Lot´s of care
they will allways be your friend.....
A lojal friend
A friend that not judge you
But you have a responsebility
to look after them
to see that no one hurt them
to be there friend....
and to love them.

I´m sorry for that he as alsmost 5 month has moved 2 times be badly taken care of and suffered love and tender care! But I do my best to make him trust us and he´s slowly are getting thru who he is.

Now I will take a look at the new handcraft =D
Love and hugs to you all

torsdag 5 augusti 2010

Let´s see

If I dont count wrong I´m having 330 days left....
I have lost some more Im on 75.5 kg now.
about 8-10 kg to go.....65-67 is my goal then it´s just the problem to stay there...

Anyway yesterday was a good morning with a long walk with the dogs and then some bread where made. Ok in the evening my bad shoulder really hurt...
But it will go over it´s not so much now but the day has just begin on the other hand....

well... the sun is shining over Tumba today and it´s a nice summerday.
The plan today is just to get the tabels clean from stuff and relax some ok som dishes of course.

Have a fantastic Friday!

måndag 2 augusti 2010


Another day has passed ...time travles fast
We are all tired here not use to the early mornings.
The first machine of laundry are allready started and I took some time to write here.
I have to clean som windows or they will never be cleaned =P
HMmmmm disches as allways and figure out what to do for lunch and dinner!

Walks there will be to of course or they will break our home all to all.
Poppe seams never to stop until we go to bed! LOL
I cant understand where he get the energy.

Conny sad the first days he reather got a baby but yesterday when we where out for a walk he sad... he would not want to be out of Poppe and he was glad it was not a baby because it takes so much time before they are more undependent....

Sorry for the spelling I guess it´s not the bbest some time.
O yes I will try to get some letters done too.
Take care and more news or thoughts will come

So the work has started

OK not for me because it have never stoped...
Conny started this morning and I have a lot to clean today when the young dog have a bad stomage..... :(
Not so funny but at least I will get a big cleaning of the appartment today =)

Other wise I will make lunch, dinner take the dogs for some walks...
Jonatan are stil having summer holiday but soon that begins too...

The never ending storie......I guess.
If I haven´t told you I did quit the body work -workout.....I got more problem with my health - so I´m back to the walks and things I do around the home, but I guess that are ok better then be sick and have to go to the hospital all the time.

Now I have to move a long so I have some chanse to look at facebook too.
Take care

söndag 1 augusti 2010

Poppe och vatten....

Ja ni...
den nye familje medlemmen är inte direkt vatten rädd!!
Under senaste promenaden idag gick jag förbi dammen där hundarna kan komma i och bada...
Igår när vi passerade var det en annan som kastade pinne åt sin hund där när vi gick förbi....
Låt oss säga att Poppe har funderat över det han såg då!

Igår och innan dess har han bara gått max upp till magen men inte i dag...
Hoppade i med alla fyra för att sen vänta att jag skulle kasta pinne....samtidigt tittar Kim misstroget på hans lek...å håller sig i strandkanten med tassarna i vattnet.

Så jag kastar en pinne lite längre ut - å han efter med koppel på =) å hämtar pinnen.
Nästa lite längre ändå å då ser det ut som han tänker simma över hela den änden (tur att gång vägen går längs med där). Men efter lite lockande med godis vänder han tillbaka.
Ytterligare några pinnar kastades ut och till sist skulle han "bara" hämta den han missade...sen ville han hem.

Ett litet tillägg - jo vi gick förbi en resväska!! vid grusvägen som korsar motionsspåret...
Det ligger vikta kläder, samt lite utspritt...även en nessär med mynt i....
Lite konstigt ställe att lämna en väska på!! Hittade inget namn någonstans :(
Efter lite övervägande vände jag tillbaka och tog hand om den så jag passerade vattnet igen...det va då han hämtade pinnen han missade första gången.
Antar att vi lämnar in den till polisen i veckan.

Nu ska jag sätta igång att göra pizza men först ska jag fixa lite hund mat så busarna lugnar sig lite.
Ha de bäst!